Samstag, 15. März 2008

Popcorn: Sweet or Salty?

There are tiny explosions inside your pot and as they hit the lid there’s a ring that’s immediately silenced by the soft landing. The air fills with a pleasant buttery smell as the little, hard yellow ducklings morph into pretty, fluffy swans.

Dear platypus *-*,
Do you like to eat popcorn? Do you make it yourself or do you buy it and is Australia more of a sweet or a salty popcorn country type? You may wonder what I mean by the last question. Well, let me tell you. At the age of 12 I moved from Munich to Prague, from Germany to the Czech Republic. It was also a move from sweet to salty popcorn. We usually associate this great Native American invention with movie evenings at the cinema. The first time I asked for sweet popcorn there they said something like “bohoujel, mame jenom slany popcorn” and they looked at me as though it was the most unusual thing to ask. I went to watch movies with my best friend G. in cinemas all over Prague, pretty much every weekend if something was on and I asked in the other movie theatres too but they didn’t have any. At the beginning, I had an inner protest; I wouldn’t eat the salty stuff. Then I bought my first half size portion; it tasted too salty and too buttery. I didn’t like it but I didn’t hate it either. I slowly became accustomed to it and when I had had grown quite accustomed I saw, beautiful rainbow colored bits gleaming like exotic fish from an overcrowded gigantic fish-tank. Ohhh haaaappy daaaayyyys! Kino Galaxie in Haje became our most regularly visited cinema: we watched it evolve in the 10 years we lived there and change the location by two buildings to the left to become Multikino Galaxie. The sweet popcorn disappeared and they introduced a variety of flavors like pizza or cheese and bacon. You may wonder wether I like pizza flavored popcorn now. I must tell you that, if you come out of the cinema with orange fingernails, you won't want to buy them afterwards. They tasted good but they were more orange than chicken tika masala and more overloaded with spices than a bazar in morocco or turkey.
So overall as you may have figured, the salty or sweet country types are determined by the higher rate of consumption of either sweet or salty popcorn divided by the amount of time taken to eat a pack or portion. Take a Vote, it would be interesting to know which is more common.
I'm opening a pack of sweet fluffy white flowers now and at the back of the 100g packet, it says that the average life expectancy of the popcorn after opening a packet is 11.5 minutes, for a15 year old freaks.
Hope you're swimming in a pool of popcorn, enjoy the rest of your weekend
and I'll probably see you Monday

5 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

we normally eat salt pop corn here n brazil, but we have both types. and the cool thing is that the roads are filled with pop corn machines. this is romantic, but happens bacause the informal work here is huge.

hugs from brazil

Unknown hat gesagt…

I love sweet popcorn and I love Bounty... O_O Am I the only one here? Seems so :D

Liebe Grüsse XD

aesthetixxx hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Unknown hat gesagt…

hab dich soeben in meinem blog geadded ;)

Min hat gesagt…

australia is salty. although we have places that do the pizza, cheese, sweet etc.
i've picked up a taste for caramel popcorn. even though when i'm home alone all i eat is the homemade salty stuff. come to australia and we'll have a popcorn feast